To Graceland.

The interview went really well, I met the man I spoke to on the phone and emailed with, "Jim". Nice guy, and apparently he served in the army for a while. I would be packaging jewelry up for sale. The pay is 25 cents per piece... That's where my problem lies, that is the shittiest rate of compensation EVER! It's more than I'm making now, so I can't complain... But I am going to have to work my hands off if I wanna make any money.It'll be alright, my search for stable work goes on... If I didn't want to go to school and further my education I would have had a job. The lady at Weinerschnitzle would have hired me, she needed someone that had completely open availability for the next several months.

Moral of today's story: When doors open for you, don't be afraid to jump through them. If you hesitate for too long the door might close.


  1. Hesitation, I know it all too well. 25 cents per many do you think you can get in an hour? About school, you can either have a job now or a career later, you did the right thing.

  2. Ah, when Mr. Opportunity is knocking, you have to answer.

  3. well, it would be experience too

  4. nice work there, great blog, keep it up!

  5. You got this, J! I am dealing with a heavy load myself. I got called for an interview the DAY I broke my foot! Can you believe the luck in that?

  6. That door in the picture would be pretty scary to jump through though.

  7. Definitely. who knows what lies 'neath that door... It could be an ocean of possibility, and it could be a fat plane of jagged stone.

    Damn Scryer... That's gotta suck. At least you have blogspot! :P
